Category: Programming

Best public place for programming in Vancouver BC

Are you a freelancer or a programmer looking for a place to do your job? ​I am also a programmer and part of my job is web application programming in PHP. I usually do coding at home, or office or other places. My favorite place is not actually my home, office or coffee shops!

I have a portable monitor which can get connected to my laptop by USB. It’s easy to carry so I could turn anywhere with Internet to an office by setting up my monitor, keyboard and mouse!

I tried programming in different places even in coffee shops. However, it is hard to find a power plug in most of the Coffee shops especially Tim Hortons. In Starbucks, tables are usually small and hardly a laptop with monitor can fit. I also do Excel VBA programming so I prefer to work with at least 20″ screen to view my entire excel spreadsheet. That’s why I carry a portable monitor.

At home, I am usually too relaxed so not much work can be done. Everyday programming at office can also get boring. Among all these places I prefer programming at library.

In the library, it’s quite and peaceful to focus on  programming. Desks are large enough and even seats are more comfortable than coffee shops seats. Library has multiple levels and huge space so I could seat at a different places everyday. I even met different people at libraries like business men who use library as their office too!

But there are many libraries in Vancouver. Which library in Vancouver is good for programming? The worst library for programming I believe is down town library because it’s crowded and actually dirty! I enjoy coding in North Vancouver library because it’s new and has a good view. The only drawback of this library is difficulty in finding a place to seat near a power plug especially during school exams. I also enjoy the libraries in West Vancouver, Lynn valley (North Vancouver) and metrotown in Burnaby. I haven’t tried all  libraries in Vancouver but I believe all of them should be good for programming except the one in down town.

In conclusion, home, office and coffee shops are not suitable for programming or freelancers. In my opinion, best places for programming include libraries especially new libraries such as the ones in North Vancouver.